NEPAL 2019

Sharing our skills has been the most profound action of empowering for change.
Hairdressers Without Borders volunteers trained 22 Nepalese women to be self sufficient in the hairdressing/ beauty industry last weeks.
Most of the women in our training suffer from extreme poverty and domestic violence. This is why this vocational training is so fundamental for them. It gives them the tools and the self-esteem that they need to find in a country that has little opportunity for them.
Together we’ve created a safe space, where we listen to all their inspirational stories and dreams.
This year Juliette den Ouden international Hair & Make-up Artist and Owner of JDO Academy traveled as the ambassador of the organization to Nepal to give hair styling and make-up training to all the women.
She realized that on the other side of the world due to poverty and shortcomings of women’s rights, there are not many opportunities for many women to earn their own money and build their own future. That’s why she support Hairdressers Without Borders and seen with her own eyes the difference you can give with vocational training in places like this.
Do you want to create a better future for all of these women? Donate at: