
Every child dreams of what he want to be when he grows up, from firefighter to astronaut.
My big dream was to become a ballerina, dreamed of beautiful dresses and elegant dance moves. I was six years old then, so there was so much more to dream when I became older, and I decided I wanted to become a hairdresser.
But now I realize that all these choices and opportunities in my life has been an incredible gift. Because it is not so obvious for everyone to live their dreams.

Nepal is among the poorest and least developed countries in the world, with nearly 25% of the population living below the poverty line. Studies estimate that children constitute 16 to 33% of the sex industry. Some are only 12 years old. Girls are often forced into prostitution in brothels and on the street, as well as by dance restaurants and massage parlors. Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, is where most child prostitution takes place.
Nepal has become a destination for child sex tourism, with most offenders coming from India and Europe. In addition, the country serves as a major source of origin for trafficking to the Middle East and India. It is estimated that there are 10,000 to 15,000 Nepali women and girls trafficked to India every year and 7,500 in Nepal itself.

*Source: ECPAT International, Global Monitoring report on Nepal: 2011.

Free a Girl supports a small organisation founded by girls who were once trafficked and where financial independence is crucial. They also support a large organisation who works throughout Nepal to end trafficking of girls.

In this cooperation Hairdressers Without Borders focus on vocational training. Giving the opportunity to 20 girls of the partner organizations of Free a Girl to create interest in the profession of hairdressing. Also for two local trainers we provide the right training, to continue after we leave.
Because everyone has the right to education and living a life with new dreams for the future.

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom
~ George Washington Carver

Esther Nieremeijer