In February 2016 Hairdressers Without Borders started the Pilot program in Nepal – Kathmandu, along with the two partner organizations of the Dutch NGO ‘Free a Girl’. ‘Free a Girl’ is a relief organization dedicated to freeing young girls from forced prostitution, to providing them with shelter, education and to prosecuting offenders.
With a team of 2 Dutch and 2 Nepalese trainers we educate a group of 20 girls, we gave them a chance to make a step forward in their process of creating more self esteem by teaching a powerful skill.
In this cooperation Hairdressers Without Borders focused on vocational training. We gave the opportunity to 20 girls of the partner organizations of Free a Girl to create interest in the profession of hairdressing.
We can look back on 2 intense training weeks, full of new developments and progress.
Every day was a celebration to teach the girls. Half an hour ahead of time 20 happy faces arrived at the training location, eager to start the training. In complete concentration they followed the step by step long hair cuts, styling techniques, product information and head massages.
Where there was enough space for explanations and personal attention.
This way of working has developed trust in a short time between the students and team.
The team has been strengthened with two additional local trainers, who continued the HWB training after we left Kathmandu- Nepal.
All 20 girls have worked so hard, and opened themselves for this new learning process. Each day increased the knowledge of the profession, but also self-confidence. What is a very important part of this training.
It is a new opportunity, another chance, and a new beginning.
The words that can describe the weeks of training are: Inspiration, Motivation, Concentration, Learning, Creativity, Opportunity, Interest and a life Experience for all of us.
Everyone received a diploma for completing this intense training period.
HWB team is very proud and we believe that every little contribution can make a change, by giving hope and inspiration. Everyone has the right to education and living a life with new dreams for the future.